A. Heat Pumps with Air Source
This system carries the outside air energy with a very low cost to interior environment after a certain conversion.
In this way, it is possible to warm in winter and cool in summer. These pumps are largely energy saving.

Easy to install
These systems and devices can be installed in any area.
In addition, these systems are friendly to environment.
No pollutant emission because not to use fossil fuels such as diesel or fuel.

B. Heat Pumps with Water-Source
Those are called heat pumps with water source. These systems are separated into two parts as the air-cooled and water-cooled depending on condenser type.
Water-cooled condensers are generally used as heat pumps.

Advantages over other systems

  • Low cost
  • High Yield
  • Low energy consumption.
  • Long lifetime
  • Required very little air
  • An advanced technology because of usage for many years.

C. Heat Pumps with Ground-Source
If the media heat taken is the ground, the system is called heat pumps with ground source. This is more efficient than heat pumps with air source. They are applied in different two types as drilling and paving
In drilling, a well is drilled approximately 150 meters and tubes are placed into the well.
In paving, the tubes are placed horizontally a few feet under the ground.
The soil has some temperature variations throughout the year. As a result of these variations, soil can be used as a source to withdrawn excess amount of heat in summer and heat source in winter.

This heat pump provides

  • 85% saving compared to diesel
  • 65% saving compared to coal
  • 80% saving compared to Lpg
  • 70% saving compared to LNG58% saving compared to natural gas.

The Usage Areas of Heat Pump Tank
This heat pump tank for heating or cooling is efficient to use in the followings;

  • Household
  • Hotels
  • Hospitals
  • Schools
  • Shopping centers
  • Process applications
  • Business centers and
  • In almost all areas like in all other heating systems.

For more information, please visit www.kodsan.com.tr


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